The Benefits of Ascorbyl Glucoside: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Ascorbyl Glucoside

Ascorbyl glucoside (AG) is a derivative of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and glucose – two of the most essential molecules needed for our bodies to function properly. AG can be found in many over-the-counter skin care products and has been used for decades to help protect the skin from environmental damage. But how exactly does it work, and what benefits does it have?

Understanding Ascorbyl Glucoside

Ascorbyl glucoside is a form of vitamin C that is fat-soluble and can penetrate the skin without irritation. It helps the skin defend against free radicals, which cause premature aging, and also acts as an antioxidant. AG is often combined with other ingredients, such as vitamin E, ferulic acid, and other antioxidants, in order to provide even more protection from environmental damage.

Benefits of Ascorbyl Glucoside

The benefits of ascorbyl glucoside are numerous – it can help keep skin looking healthy and youthful without irritation. Here are the most notable benefits:

  • Antioxidant: AG is an antioxidant, which means it helps reduce the damage caused by free radicals. This helps protect the skin from environmental damage, such as sun damage, smoke, and pollution.
  • Prevent prematuring aging: AG can help slow down the aging process and prevent premature aging. It helps protect skin cells from free radical damage, which can lead to wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Reduce inflammation: AG can help reduce inflammation, which can minimize the appearance of redness, acne, and other skin conditions.
  • Brighten complexion: AG can help brighten the complexion, which can make the skin appear brighter and more youthful.


Ascorbyl glucoside is a powerful antioxidant and has many beneficial effects on the skin. It helps protect against environmental damage, reduce inflammation, and brighten the complexion. AG is a great choice for those looking for an antioxidant-rich ingredient that can keep their skin looking youthful and healthy.